I have just finished another wonderful book by Darren Shan called Cirque Du Freak Hunters of The Dusk which was the sequel to Cirque Du Freak Vampire Prince. The sequel to Hunters of The Dusk is the book Cirque Du Freak Allies of the Night and I predict in the next book that Darren and Mr.Crepsley will find the Lord of the Vampaneze but will make a fail attempt to kill him leaving Darren and Mr.Crepsley only 2 chances left to kill the lord and I also predict that Darren and Mr.Crepsley will run into more vampires to help them in the quest to find the Vampaneze Lord. Darren will also probably mature more throughout the next book and improve on fighting skills because in the past books Darren lacks fighting skills and always in need of help when he is fighting an opponent by himself and his opponents are almost always more skilled than him in fighting.
my 1st independent reading book I had to read for my english class was CIRQUE DU FREAK VAMPIRE MOUNTAIN and my second reading book was CIRQUE DU FREAK VAMPIRE PRINCE. The book's similarities are that they are both fast pace books and almost every single page is interesting to read. Another similarity is that they are both horror books and both have vampires in the book.Also both books have mostly the main characters that are in the Cirque Du Freak Series so far and both books have a very interesting plot. The difference of both books are the different plots for the main character which is Darren Shan. Another difference of both books are the theme of each book. Both the books themes are different. The theme I think in Cirque DU Freak Vampire Mountain is that, it is always a good to have someone behind your back to protect you or support you through desperate times and I think the theme in Vampire Prince is witnessing a death of a loved one is an obstacle we all have to overcome.

The next book I want to read is Cirque Du Freak Hunters of the Dusk because it is the sequel to Cirque Du Freak The Vampire Prince and the book is interesting and makes you want to read the sequel :] The next book I want to read is different from the read I already read is that it will have a different storyline it will have new characters and a lot of things change for Darren the main character.The similarities are that most main characters will be in the next book, both books are written by the same author which is Darren Shan. Both books are horror/action books, both books are part of the Cirque Du Freak series, and they are fast paced books :].