Dear Darren Shan,
I like reading your books but why does the main character Darren Shan have to be so weak in most of the fights he gets into. In most of the last books in the series every fight that Darren Shan gets into he almost always needs help from his teammates or else he would end up losing or dying. Darren Shan isn't that weak he loses to every main enemy like, Gannen, James Morgan, and even Steve Leopard. He almost even died from a Vampet and a bear infected with Vampaneze blood. At least give him a little bit of a winning chance and let him win a fight by himself. Darren is grown enough to have fights without a teammate by his side. Hopefully in your last book Darren will fight Steve Leopard by himself and win the final showdown which is easily predicted will happen. It was also sad that another main character Mr.Crepsley dies. You should have made him die in a less painful and sad way, but it was a good way to make him die, falling in a pit of stakes, but it was disappointing that he didn't kill Steve too and lose his life for a real reason. Oh well. Sincerely,
Johnny Nguyen